As with any sudden or unexpected death, those who have lost a loved one to death by suicide (often called survivors of suicide) have not had time to say goodbye. This suddenness, coupled with the violence of a death by suicide and common misunderstanding and stigma surrounding the death, can greatly intensify, complicate and extend the time of the grief process. It is important to remember and know that it may be normal for survivors to face guilt about being unable to save the life of their loved one and spend time asking “why” their love one took their own life before being able to move forward in the grief process. It is also important to know that survivors may be at increased risk of death by suicide themselves so that professional mental health support is readily available if needed. Anyone who believes or suspects that they are facing Complicated Grief and/or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is encouraged to get professional mental health support.
AFSP, Grief Support Group Listing
Books for Survivors of Suicide Loss....A comprehensive listing for parents, moms, dads, women, men, teens, friends, clinicians, poetry, inspiration etc.
SAVE; Suicide Bereavment Support Group Database
Postvention is defined as actions taken after a death by suicide. This section contains many best practice resources and information for use in a variety of environments to ensure careful and sensitive care for families and communities impacted by a death by suicide.
Information for Surivivors of Suicide Loss
SOS: A Handbook for Survivors of Suicide
Available in Spanish at SOS_Espanol.pdf
Surviving a Suicide Loss: A Resource and Healing Guide
This is a brief guide to help people cope with a loss by suicide. It includes information on several different ways to connect with other survivors of suicide loss.
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Web: | E-mail: | Phone: 877-GET-SPRC (438–7772)